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Flight #20 - 2011b (GPSL)

Traveler's 20th launch will be a piggy-back launch with Harry (KC5TRB) ORB flight at GPSL.  The flight will be launching from somewhere near Colorado Springs, CO.  Many of the launch details will be up to Harry, but will give me a platform to test some new ArduinoTrack firmware.

Flight Parameters
Launch Date/Time Saturday, 30 July 2011 at 8:00am
Alternative Date Sunday, 31 July 2011 at 8:00am
Launch Site Colorado Springs, CO
Primary Transmitter / Antenna ArduinoTrack controller with Radio Shack HT into a vertically polarized dipole antenna. Signing W0ZC-11.
Backup Transmitter / Antenna n/a
Balloon / Gas Unknown
Estimated Burst Altitude Unknown
Estimated Ascent Rate Unknown
Estimated Descent Rate Unknown
Capsule(s) weight Unknown
Chase Frequencies 446.000
Balloon Finder Telemetry Mode PT Mode 2



Predictions are not yet available for this flight.